殺出個黃昏[電影解說]是由高子彬執導,謝賢,馮寶寶,林雪,李燦森,賈曉晨,顏子菲,顧定軒,何雁詩,林耀聲,符家浚,鐘雪瑩,張凱娸主演的一部電影解說。主要講述了:田立秋(謝賢 飾)、蔡鳳(馮寶寶 飾)、葉一叢(林雪 飾)于60年代曾是讓人聞風喪膽的殺手組織,無奈時代蛻變,三人只好脫下戰衣,重歸平凡生活。步入黃昏之年,誰愿意被標籤為負資產?憑藉一首電臺點唱「
飽飽脆: me the best Korean/war movie, one and only. i was crying like a mad dog got castrated, I watched this film at the first floor of my college library while my friend was making out with his girl behind the bookshelf, still cant believe he had the balls to ask me to keep it down.
陰雨連綿時:果然是要有愛才能更確定未來要做什么啊 哈~